Gennady Yakovlevich

Gennady Yakovlevich Guskov was a scientist in the field of microelectronics and computer technology, general designer of space systems, General Director of NPO «Elas» and the Research Institute of Micro Devices, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1984) and RAS (since 1991), the Hero of Socialist Labor (1961), winner of the Lenin and Stalin Prizes. In 1944 after returning from evacuation, where he worked at a defense plant in Sarapul, he graduated from the MEI (radio engineering faculty), after which he joined the Research Institute-108 (now it is TSNIIRTI), engaged in developments in the field of radar. In the late 1940s, in collaboration with A.A. Raspletin and others, he developed a ground artillery reconnaissance station. Since 1955 the subject of the Research Institute-108 had begun to merge with the space field, and he began to create a radio control system for the MBR R-7 designed by S.P. Korolev, participated in the development of the AMS programs of the Luna and Mars series. In 1958 as Deputy Chief designer of SKB-567, he was engaged in the creation of telemetry equipment and radio engineering systems of deep space and space communications, participated in the development and implementation of the project of the first radio engineering complex of deep space communications «Pluto» based on the antenna ADU-1000. From 1967 to the end of his life he headed the Research Institute of Micro-Devices (NIIMP, since 1975 – NPO «Elas»). He was the head of the Department of Systems, Devices and Methods of Geocosmic Physics at MFTI. Since 1976 he had been engaged in the creation of a promising space surveillance system for defense purposes, BTSVM, space telecommunications systems, he was a developer and organizer of the production of communication equipment for various branches of the armed forces, location equipment, telemetry equipment, ground and onboard computer systems for rocket and space technology. He was a member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Aerospace Agency, full member of 11 foreign academies.
Address: Moscow, Zelenograd, Designer Guskova str., 1, p. 1