Natalia Venediktovna

Natalia Venediktovna Kovshova was a sniper of the 528th Rifle Regiment of the 130th Rifle Division of the 1st Shock Army of the Northwestern Front, a Red Army soldier. She was born on November 26, 1920 in Ufa. S. In 1940 she graduated from high school in Moscow. Since August 1940 she worked at the scientific research Institute “Orgaviaprom”. In June 1941 she was preparing to take exams at the Moscow Aviation Institute. When the Great Patriotic War began, on October 15, 1941, Natalia Kovshova was voluntarily enlisted in the ranks of the Red Army by the Komintern District Military Commissariat of Moscow. Graduated from sniper courses. Since October 1941, as part of the 3rd Moscow Communist Rifle Division of the People’s Militia, she participated in the defense of Moscow. From January 1942 she fought on the North-Western Front. The sniper of the 528th rifle regiment, the candidate for membership of the CPSU (b), the Red Army soldier N.V. Kovshova bravely fought with the Fascist invaders, trained the newly arrived girls in sniping. On the personal account of the sniper Natalia Kovshova were 167 fascist soldiers and officers exterminated by her. On August 14, 1942, near the village of Sutoki, Novgorod region, together with sniper M.S. Polivanova, they fought to the last cartridge. Then they blew themselves up with the last grenades, together with the Nazis who surrounded them. She was buried in a mass grave in the village of Korovitchino, Starorussky district, Novgorod region. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated February 14, 1943, for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the struggle against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the Red Army soldier Natalia Kovshova was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Address: Moscow, Ulansky lane, 8