Leonid Ivanovich

Leonid Ivanovich Gusev is a scientist in the field of radio engineering control systems for spacecraft and telemetry of objects of scientific, national economic and defense purposes, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, the Hero of Socialist Labor (1961), laureate of the Lenin, State Prizes of the USSR and Russia. He began his career as a turner at a tool factory, in 1940 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. He spent the entire war as a spotter, commander of a control platoon in an artillery unit, was wounded twice, and was demobilized in January 1947. From May 1948 he worked at the Research Institute-885, in 1949 he entered the evening department of the Faculty of Radio Communication Facilities and Systems of the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications and went to work in one of the laboratories as an engineer. After graduating from the Institute in 1955, he was appointed head of the laboratory, in June 1959 he was appointed director of the Research Institute-695 of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Radio Electronics (later – the All-Union Research Institute of Communications). Since 1963 he had been Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee on Radio Electronics, since 1964 he was Deputy Minister of General Mechanical Engineering. In 1965-2004 Leonid Gusev was Director of Research Institute-885 (since 1966 – Research Institute of Space Instrumentation, now JSC «Russian Space Systems»). Since 1969, simultaneously with his production activities, he had held the position of head of the department at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering and Automation, and of a professor since 1979. He was the author of at least 170 scientific papers. In 2004-2008 he held the position of First Deputy General Director, General Designer of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation». From 2008 to the last days, he was an adviser to the General Director of JSC «Russian Space Systems». He was elected an academician of a number of national and international academies.
Address: Moscow, Aviamotornaya str., 53, building 1