Evgeny Vitalievich

Evgeny Vitalievich Mikhailov was a senior pilot of the 32nd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. Before the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, he worked as a turner. After being called up to the ranks of the Red Army, he has studied in Kachin Military Aviation School of pilots, which he graduated with honors and remained to serve as an instructor at the school. He had been involved in combat operations since 1943, made 92 combat sorties, personally shot down 5 enemy aircraft in 22 air battles. On March 17, 1944 in the area of the Idritsa railway station, he sent his downed plane into an enemy echelon with fuel. At the cost of his life, he disabled the enemy’s supply station. He was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies on October 26, 1944. The monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union Evgeny Vitalievich Mikhailov is a steel stele symbolizing the wing of an airplane. In the upper part there is a portrait head of Mikhailov in a flight helmet. Workers and engineers of the district enterprises also took part in the creation of the monument.
Sculptor: G. A. Shakirov
Artist: V.V. Kolesnikov
Material: Steel
Year of creation: 1965
Address: Moscow, Mikhailova str., 5