Nikolay Sidorovich

Nikolay Sidorovich Khlopkin was a Soviet Russian scientist in the field of nuclear energy and thermophysics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Scientific Director of the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1940 he entered Moscow Power Engineering Institute. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in July – October 1941, he worked on the construction of defensive fortifications near Vyazma, then, together with the institute, he was evacuated to Leninogorsk in the East Kazakhstan region. In February 1942, he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1942 he graduated from Tambov Military Infantry School. Since August 1942, Junior Lieutenant N.S. Khlopkin fought on the Voronezh Front. In December 1942, he was seriously wounded in the thigh, spent over a year in hospitals. Since January 1944, he was back at the front, he was the assistant commander of the 1035th Rifle Regiment of the 289th Rifle Division on the 1st Ukrainian Front. In this position he fought to Victory, participated in the Proskurov-Chernivtsi, Lviv-Sandomierz, Vistula-Oder, Lower Silesian, Berlin offensive operations. He finished the war in Berlin with the rank of captain. In October 1945, he was discharged from the Red Army due to disability (old wounds on his leg opened), returned to Moscow and continued his studies at the same institute. In 1950 he graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute with a degree in Thermophysics. Since 1949 he worked at the Institute of Atomic Energy (now the Russian Scientific Center “Kurchatov Institute”): since 1949 – laboratory assistant, since 1950 – design engineer. In 1949-1952 he conducted experimental work to improve the efficiency of fuel cells of industrial reactors. In 1952 he became involved in research on marine nuclear power plants (MEEU), in 1953 he was appointed the head of a special group. Since 1960 he was a senior researcher, since 1963 – head of the laboratory of the same Institute. He was the most active participant in the construction of the first Soviet nuclear icebreaker “Lenin”. Subsequently, under his leadership, several nuclear submarines, nuclear icebreakers, the Kirov heavy nuclear cruiser and other military and civilian vessels were created. In 1988-2002 he was a scientific supervisor in the direction of “marine nuclear power plants” with pressurized water reactors, developed with the participation of the Kurchatov Institute. For more than 25 years, he was A.P. Alexandrov’s deputy for marine nuclear installations. N.S. Khlopkin made a great contribution to the creation of several generations of them for the Navy and civil fleet, to the expansion of their fields of application. N.S. Khlopkin played a major role in the organization of maintenance work for the operation of nuclear power plants in fleets. At the Kurchatov Institute, teams of specialists were formed who carried out research during complex mooring tests of all head facilities, and physical and engineering laboratories were created to solve issues in emergency situations. N.S. Khlopkin was directly involved in these tests. The data obtained had not lost its importance to date. Based on them, a series of complex simulators for naval bases and training centers was created. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 14, 1977, for outstanding services in the preparation and implementation of the experimental flight of the nuclear icebreaker “Arctic” to the North Pole and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Nikolai Khlopkin was awarded the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.
Address: Moscow, Akademika Kurchatov pl., 1, p. 1