in memory of the formation of the 8th Division of the People’s Militia

In the courtyard of School No. 83 there is a stele of red granite, installed in memory of the formation of the 8th Division of the People’s Militia of the Krasnopresnensky district of the capital within the walls of this school in 1941. The stele was erected on October 8, 1976 and it is a monument consisting of granite blocks of different sizes and shapes. A dedicatory inscription made of brass is fixed on the front part: “Here, in July 1941, units of the 8th Division of the People’s Militia of the Krasnopresnensky district were formed.” The 8th Krasnopresnenskaya Division was formed in the first days of July 1941 in the school of 7 thousand people and was unique in composition. Along with the skilled workers of Presnensky plants and factories, it included representatives of the Moscow intelligentsia – writers, scientists, musicians, teachers of institutes and students. At the village of Uvarovo, in the Smolensk region, on October 3, 1941 the division took its first and last battle. For two days hastily trained and lightly armed militia opposed the selected units of the Nazis. Six thousand Muscovites died heroically at Yelnya, delaying the enemy’s advance and bringing Victory closer.
Address: Moscow, Strelbishchensky lane, 14 (territory of SBOU Secondary school No. 83 named after Heroes of the USSR A. Zhivov and Yu. Kostikov)