Anatoly Ivanovich

Anatoly Ivanovich Bankuzov was the commander of the 17th Guards Rifle Regiment (5th Guards Rifle Division, 11th Guards Army, 3rd Belorussian Front), a Guards Lieutenant Colonel, the Hero of the Soviet Union. He was in the army since August 1938. He graduated from the Saratov Military School of the Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD in January 1940. He was a participant of the Soviet-Finnish War and served as the platoon commander of a separate barrage detachment of the special department of the 14th Army in January-March 1940. Also he served as the head of the border post in the 35th naval border guard, platoon commander and commander of the rifle company of the motorized rifle regiment of the NKVD troops (in the Leningrad Border District). He completed the accelerated course of M.V. Frunze Military Academy in August 1942, which was in evacuation in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), and the Higher Special School of the Red Army in December 1942, which was in evacuation in Kazan (Tatarstan). He studied at the Central School for the Training of Staff Commanders (in Moscow) in January-April 1943, then participated in the Oryol, Gorodok, Minsk, Vilnius, Kaunas, Gumbinnen, Insterburg-Konigsberg, Konigsberg and Zemland operations. He was shell–shocked on August 25, 1943, then he was wounded in the chest on July 9, 1944. Also, he was slightly wounded (for the fifth time during the war) on January 27, 1945. He especially distinguished himself during the Zemland operation. On April 25, 1945, he skillfully commanded the regiment during the capture of the port city of Pillau (now it is the city of Baltiysk, the Kaliningrad Region) and during the crossing of the strait connecting the Baltic Sea with the Bay of Frisches-Huff (now the Kaliningrad Bay). For the courage and heroism shown in the battles with the Nazi invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 5, 1945, Lieutenant Colonel Anatoly Ivanovich Bankuzov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. After the war, until 1951, he commanded rifle regiments (in the Baltic Military District). He graduated from Frunze Military Academy in absentia in 1947. In 1958-1960 he was a Deputy commander of the 67th Motorized Rifle Division (in the Siberian Military District), in 1961-1962 he was a Deputy head of the Combat Training Department of the 7th Guards Army (in the Transcaucasian Military District; Yerevan, Armenia). Since June 1962, Major General A.I. Bankuzov was in reserve. In 1964-1977 he worked as a deputy head of the shop and head of the technical bureau at the Moscow Plant of Electromechanical Equipment.
Address: Moscow, 1st Krasnokursantsky Ave., 1/5