Lazar Khaimovich

Lazar Khaimovich Papernik was a sniper of the 2nd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade of Special Purpose (OMSBON) of the NKVD troops of the USSR, a Red Army soldier. He finished the 7th grade in 1932 and in the same year moved from Slavuta to Moscow. In 1934 he graduated from the school of the Federal Law at the 1st Moscow Watch Factory named after S.M. Kirov. Since 1934, he worked at this plant as a turner, milling cutter, machine tool adjuster, tool technician, dispatcher, shop supervisor. He was in the Red Army since July 17, 1941. He was enrolled in the OMSBON. Since October 1941 he was at the front of the Great Patriotic War. On the night of January 23, 1942, while performing a combat mission behind enemy lines as a part of a squad of skiers from 25 people, he was surrounded, fought in the village of Khludnevo, the Duminichi district, the Kaluga region. L.H. Papernik blew himself and enemies up with an anti-tank grenade. By a miracle, the surviving commander of the detachment, Senior Lieutenant K.Z. Laznyuk, like all his fighters who died the death of the brave, was awarded the Order of Lenin. A. Kruglyakov and E. Anufriev, who carried the commander out of a brutal battle, were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 21, 1942, for exemplary performance of combat missions of the command at the front of the fight against the German invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the Red Army soldier Lazar Khaimovich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).
Address: Moscow, 1st Novokuzminskaya str., 21