Semyon Pavlovich

Semyon Pavlovich Ivanov was the Chief of Staff of the Main Command of the Soviet Troops in the Far East, a Colonel General. He was born on August 31 (September 13), 1907 in the village of Porecheno, now it is the Smolensky district of the Smolensk region, in a large peasant family. He finished a local four-grade school. In 1919, he moved to the city of Smolensk, worked as a repair worker on the railway and at the same time studied at the second stage school. He participated in the fight against banditry. As one of the active Komsomol members, since 1921 he was in the special purpose units (CHON). Semyon Pavlovich Ivanov served in the Red Army since 1926. According to the Komsomol permit, he was sent to the 1st Moscow Infantry School named after M.Y. Ashenbrenner, from which he graduated in 1929. He was a member of the CPSU (b)/CPSU since 1929. Since September 1929, he served for 7 years in the 46th Rifle Regiment of the 16th Rifle Division named after V.I. Kikvidze (the Leningrad Military District) as a commander of a machine-gun platoon, commander of a machine-gun company, head of a regimental school, battalion commander, assistant commander of this regiment. In 1936, from the position of acting commander of the regiment, Captain S.P. Ivanov was sent to study at the Military Academy of the Red Army named after M.V. Frunze. From among the students of the academy in December 1938, a group of 10 people was formed to be sent to Spain, in which S.P. Ivanov was included. But he had to return from France because of the changed international situation. In 1939 he graduated from the Academy and was sent to the headquarters of the Ural Military District as an assistant chief of the operations Department. As the Chief of Staff of the 1st Rifle Corps of the 8th Army, he took part in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. For the courage and bravery shown in the battles on the Karelian Isthmus, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In June-December 1941 he was a Chief of Operations, he was the Deputy Chief of Staff of the 13th Army (the Western and Bryansk Fronts), from December 1941 to July 1942 he was the Chief of Staff of the 38th Army (the Southwestern Front), in July-August 1942 he was the Chief of Staff of the 1st Tank Army (the South-Western Front), in August 1942 he was the Head of the operational Department of the headquarters of the South-Eastern Front, in August-October 1942 he was the Chief of Staff of the 1st Guards Army (the South-Eastern, Stalingrad, Don fronts), in October-December 1942 he was the Head of the Operational Department of the headquarters of the South-Western Front, from December 1942 to May 1943 he was the Chief of Staff of the South-Western Front, in May-October 1943 he was the Chief of Staff of the Voronezh Front, in October-November 1943 he was the Chief of Staff of the 1st Ukrainian Front, from November 1943 to June 1944 he was the Chief headquarters of the Transcaucasian Front. From October 29, 1944 to June 1945 he was the Chief of Staff of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. He was a participant of the Victory Day Parade on June 24, 1945 in Moscow in Red Square. Since June 1945 he was the Chief of Staff of the Main Command of the Soviet Troops in the Far East. Over the summer, the operations of the three fronts and the Pacific Fleet were carefully prepared. As a result, in August 1945, during the Soviet-Japanese War, the Japanese Kwantung army in Manchuria was rapidly defeated. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 8, 1945, Colonel General Semyon Pavlovich Ivanov was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union by awarding the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal for his skillful leadership of the troops, personal courage and bravery shown in battles.
Address: Moscow, Smolenskaya nab., 5/13